What is the meaning of Navaratri?
Ratri, "ra" means giving solace. Solace from three types of problems, that is "tri" - physical, ethereal and causal. Ratri relieves you and puts you to sleep. No animal needs to worry at night. Whether happy or unhappy everybody goes to sleep. In Sanskrit, words are connected to the meaning.
Navaratri has two meanings - “New Night” and “Nine Nights”. It takes nine months for a child to be born. The child rests in the womb during this period. Similarly in Navaratri you get back to the Self. Dip into yourself and then you come out with more creativity and be victorious. Negative forces - craving and aversion - get relief from all these. Go to the source of energy.
The Divine Shakti is known to have vanquished many a demons or Asuras. Who are these asuras?
Craving and aversion are two asuras (demons) like "Madhu" and "Kaitabha". Then there is also "Raktabijasura", that which is in your genes. "Rakta" means blood, "bija" means seed. Raktabijasura is like gene in the blood. Sometimes your behaviour is not in your control - it's in your genes, Raktabijasura. Medication and meditation are required to tackle Raktabijasura. When such energy comes to you, transformation happens, the genes change.
Then there is "Mahishasura" - dullness. Dullness like a buffalo. You need "Shakti" (energy) to deal with this. When Shakti comes, inertia is lifted out. "Shumbha" and "Nishumbha" - doubting on everything. "Shumbha" means doubting oneself and "Nishumbha" means doubting others. Doubting at every step. These days people are so busy. Mind is so clogged, so occupied, no time to think of oneself. If someone insults you, don't think it as intentional.
"Chanda" and "Munda". Chanda means opposite head. Chanda will oppose anything you say. One who cannot agree with anything. "Munda" does not have a head at all. Whatever you tell them, it will all go in air. Then there is "Dhumralochana", "Dhumra" means smoke and "lochana" means eyes – smoky eyes. They see everything hazy.
All this is due to lack of Shakti. When you are full of energy and enthusiasm none of these rakshasas (demons) can come in you.
First 3 days of Navaratri - Tamas is very high ~ Shakti is worshipped as Ma Durga then..
next 3 days is totally Rajasic ~ Shakti is worshipped as Ma Laxmi then..
last 3 days are very Sattvik ~ Shakti is worshipped as Ma Saraswati then.
Deep Meditation and maintaining pure inner silence is extremely beneficial during these special days. It is a Golden opportunity for serious sadhaks to evolve higher and faster using the grace of Shakti.
Kundalini is the Shakti in everyone, only with this shakti becoming active can one get rid of all the Asuras in us as mentioned above.
Kundalini is the Shakti in everyone, only with this shakti becoming active can one get rid of all the Asuras in us as mentioned above.
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