Devotion is ingrained in every being. Even an atheist is devoted to his atheism. Love dwells in the heart of every creature. Without love, life itself cannot exist. Even the most cruel‑hearted men love something or other.
As everything else, this love also needs culturing. What is the difference between gardens and forests? In forests, too, there are flower beds, there are fruit‑bearing trees. Yet, man is afraid to enter the forest. The earth is strewn with thorns; there are ominous‑looking bushes here and there that hide wild animals. The trees also grow haphazardly and a violent storm produces a forest‑fire which destroys the entire forest.
Not so is the case of a garden. The plants are beautifully and artistically laid out. There are order, harmony and pruning. The ground is swept clean and you take delight in walking over the lawns. All foul‑smelling things are removed from the garden and the sweet fragrance of the flowers wafts around.
Similar is the case with love. Love grows wildly in the ignorant man's heart. There is the luscious fruit of love in a corner of the heart; but the entire heart is strewn with thorns of hatred, jealousy and so many other vicious qualities that the charm of love is marred.
There are bushes of lust, anger and greed which hide within them the wildest animals. Love lies hidden far beneath and far beyond reach. It is as good as non‑existent. But, in the case of a true devotee of the Lord, this love has been cultured, and the garden of his heart is cleared of the thorns of vicious qualities, of the bushes of lust, anger and greed. Love of God which is the sweetest of fragrances wafts from such a heart.
Guru is the GARDENER, who will help you to cultivate the beautiful garden.Those who surrender to Guru, their hearts will start changing, with his touch of knowledge will clear the ground, with scissors of the sadhana given by him the unwanted is removed, with care and nourishment of his genuine love and own example, the plants of virtues and goodness will blossom. with his discipline the beauty will be maintained, when the garden is ready, only then the divinity can descend in your heart.
Very good article
thank you seema
Lovely Seema Di
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